The 2021 Holiday Gift Guide
Enjoy our Whole-Hearted Eating Holiday Gift Guide with all of our favorite products, courses, and non-diet books!
Why Noom Doesn’t Work
We wanted to share with you some research that proves these diets *do not work* and you shouldn’t feel bad about them not ‘working’ for you long-term.
How to make health changes without restriction.
You can pursue health at any size without elimination diets or reset protocols, and how self-care goes beyond bubble baths.
At this point, you’re all about opting out of diet culture, but at the same time thinking to yourself, BUT HOW DO I DO THIS, DANA and CRISTINA?!?!?!
Should body respect be conditional on body size?
The reason many of us feel like we could only accept our bodies at a smaller size is because our culture has programmed us to value thinness (and associate this with health).
This is called institutionalized fatphobia